Mike's Bonfire
The Midnight Citizen
The Midnight Citizen | Episode 270 | "The Midnight Exploited"

The Midnight Citizen | Episode 270 | "The Midnight Exploited"

Waning Summer Days | Dumb Education Laws | "Deadpool and Wolverine" | The Gig Economy

Join Mike for a morning cup o’ joe on the back patio, and later for a night drive and after-work drink.

Topics this week include Alabama’s dumb education laws and how a recent one could hold back as many as 4,500+ 3rd graders in the state; a kind-of “Deadpool and Wolverine” review; the “Miami Vice” soundtrack makes you feel comfortably depressed; sketchy elevators and “LA Law”; the built-in exploitation of delivering for gig companies, and how you just accept it; the “hot” medium of radio and podcasting, and more!

“The Midnight Citizen” is a free, non-commercial podcast. So be sure to, ya know…

Be sure to join the Facebook page and find me on Instagram! …”And where is the Batman? He’s at home — washin’ his tights!”

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike US License. Attribution by Mike Boody. Released August 2024 on mikesbonfire.substack.com and The Overnightscape Underground.

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